Coffee Without Caffeine – It’s Not Decaf!

Can’t sleep at night? Did you have a coffee earlier in the day?

Excessive caffeine intake becomes one of the most common factors of sleeplessness today. You may need to have a cup of coffee in the morning to give yourself a wake up call. You may want to have another cup after lunch to stop yawning. If you can’t sleep well at night, it’s time to put a limit on it.

So, when you enter a coffee shop, there is always a decaf option. However, are you able to strictly order a decaf when you smell how good regular coffee is…?

Good news is: You have another option!

There is a plant, its root being roasted and grounded. That tastes very similar to coffee.

What is it? Chicory.

Chicory is native in Europe as wild plant on roadside. Today, it is common in North America, China and Australia. It grows from 30-100 cm, with flower 2-4 cm wide in color of light purple or lavender. It is a forage crop traditionally. In 1766, Frederick the Great banned importation of coffee into Prussia leading to the development of coffee substitute. Chicory root was then used as coffee substitute or adulterant. By 1840s, the port of New Orleans become second largest importer of coffee after New York. Louisianans began to add chicory root into coffee when Union naval blockades during American Civil War cut off the port of New Orleans. It became a traditional beverage in New Orleans since then.

It Improves Digestive System And Helps Lower Blood Sugar Level

In 100 g serving, chicory contains 114% of Vitamin A needed daily, along with 40% Vitamin C needed and it is also a rich source of dietary fiber. Within dietary fiber, there is a type of fiber called inulin, helps to lower blood sugar level in both human and animal studies.

Chicory may trigger allergic reaction in some people, people with allergy to ragweed or birch pollen should avoid. Pregnant women should not drink it as it may trigger miscarriage.

Chicory coffee is a good substitute to coffee and has several health benefits. If you like the taste and able to tolerate it. Give it a try!