Seaweed How To 101: What is Good in Seaweed and How to Eat Seaweed?

In Asia, seaweed has been cuisines for over a thousand year. This is relatively new for the rest of the world. It has been introduced as healthy food, detox food, food against radioactive material. Is seaweed really this miracle? Are we missing out the Asian wisdom?

Edible seaweed, known as Nori in Japan, was documented as early as 700 AC. When did seaweed come as a hit? We have to talk about its partner: sushi.

Sushi has been around for 2000 years. It first served with rice and fish only. In 1750s, first seaweed wrapped sushi (makizushi) was released. Since then, seaweed became one of the most important ingredients in sushi after fish and rice.

Knowing the long history of seaweed is great, but how is seaweed benefiting our body? Seaweed contains a variety of nutrients needed for our body. In 100g of edible seaweed, it contains 61% of vitamin B1 for human body daily need, 194% of vitamin B2, 78% of vitamin B3, 475% of folic acid, 2400% of vitamin B12, 253% of vitamin C, 371% of vitamin K, 62% of calcium, 118% of iron, 192% of magnesium, 100% of phosphorus, the list keeps going, this is the most significant nutrients recorded. Studies also show it lower blood pressure effectively. In separate studies, it shows seaweed extract helps reduce fast blood glucose level (FBG) significantly. Seaweed is also rich in iodine. People with iodine deficiency will benefit from it.

One of the most common way to intake seaweed is from sushi. Well… I don’t like seafood, I don’t eat rice, I don’t like raw fish… There could be reasons for you not touching sushi. How to intake seaweed in different ways? Simplest way is to get seaweed snacks, there are packs of roasted seaweed sheets for sale. Who don’t like the crispy seaweed? As the same time, calories in seaweed is 35 calories per 100g. In the sense of energy intake, it is way better than having potato chips. Just a note that for seaweed snacks, it’s normally seasoned with salt. Make a wise choice and pay attention to your sodium intake. Seaweed is also used as seasoning in rice or noodle, called furikake. Seaweed is mixed with spices, herbs and sesame seeds in the seasoning. Adding favor to plain rice or noodle.

In China, seaweed is used differently. They could be cooked with egg to serve soup. A type of seaweed called kombu, is normally added with green bean and serve as a dessert. Seaweed is everywhere in Asian dishes.

Be aware that depends on your body condition. Seaweed may not suitable for everyone.